Explore the incredible experiences, chance encounters and special moments that shape our supporters in Member Stories, presented by Lifeblood.   

As a former club director, 2022 Sydney Swans AFLW number one ticket holder and long-standing member, Lynn Ralph has worn many hats for the red and white. But her adoration for the Sydney Swans was sparked like it has for many: by attending a live game. 

Ralph recalls the frivolous days of the Swanettes, Warwick Capper and blow-up parade animals. Entry was just $5 and half-time entertainment was a regular occasion.  

“It was something to do with friends like going to the horse races or to the theatre,” Ralph told Sydney Swans Media. 

“We thought, this will be fun. Let’s go out together and drink some beers. And then we just accidentally got hooked. Which we know happens when people go see a live game.” 

Ralph has watched many games and attended many functions in her 38 years as a member. One evening she will never forget is the 1996 Grand Final – not for the heartbreaking loss but the after party that followed.   

After purchasing tickets well in advance, Ralph said she and her friends felt obligated to attend. But as commissary turned to conviviality the group found an unlikely place for autographs.  

“After a while the younger players had a few beers and the party sort of lifted. I don’t know why, but we decided to go around and get autographs,” she added, laughing at the thought.  

“We took linen napkins off the table, found a marker, and went around to all the players. I still have some of these crazy photos from 1996 with me. We were nobody at the time. We were just crazed fans.”  

Nowadays Ralph holds an impressive resumé for the red and white, particularly as an important supporter of the club’s AFLW team. Without the generous contributions of members and fans like Ralph, success on and off the field is not possible.  

She takes this same dedication to donating blood. What was sparked from convenience has become a passion and according to the former club director, just a short period of discomfort could save a life. 

“I never liked having a blood test, I really dislike needles. But I thought to myself, there’s probably nothing more amazing that you can do – it doesn’t cost you anything to give blood.” 

She continued, “If I can’t control my thoughts for 10 minutes with a bit of discomfort… I mean, think about the players. They get hit hard and they get back up again.” 

“You can just go down for 10 minutes and feel like you're really a good person.”