Young Swans defender Alex Johnson has had a blinding start to his AFL career.

In just his second season at the club, Johnson played every game in 2012, claimed the club’s Rising Star Award and also took home a premiership medallion.

After what he described as his best ever season, Johnson told that he hoped to cement his place in the Swans defensive unit for many years to come.

How do you describe your season this year?

It was the best season of footy I’ve ever played in and to top it off with a premiership is unbelievable and the best experience of my life.

Would you ever have thought you’d be a premiership player so soon?

I never thought it and if you had of asked me three or four years ago if I’d be playing in a premiership team I would have said you were joking. To get the opportunity we had against Hawthorn and to come out on top was just unbelievable.

What areas of your game have you improved on this year?

I think I’ve gained more confidence. Obviously I played a few games in my first year last year and to play every game this year was something I’m really happy with. This year was more of an experience thing for me and it was about playing on different types of players whether it be a tall or a small. I thought I was able to do that pretty well and was pretty happy with my season.

How would you describe your role in the team?

I’m now that third tall if there is one in the team, or else it’s usually on the deepest small unless it’s like a Stephen Milne or a Stevie Johnson, then Smooch (Nick Smith) will take them. I’m just the one who plays on that next dangerous forward.

Have you received advice from any of the senior players this year?

I play alongside the other five guys in the backline, but Teddy Richards this year at his age, to be named All-Australian and to achieve what he did this year, is unbelievable. Two years ago he was thinking about what he was doing at the end of his career because he thought it was imminent, but for him to do what he’s done, and the experience I’ve sort of been able to get from him and the advice and the continuous feedback and teaching he gives me is awesome.

Who do you think has been the most improved player at the club this year?

I’d have to say Teddy, and it’s line ball between him and Lewis Jetta. Jetta has taken his game to another level I think, and the confidence he’s been able to play with this year is why he’s been so good and there is nothing better than seeing Jetts burn Cyril Rioli on the (Grand Final) weekend down the wing and take the game on.

What areas do you hope to work on over the pre-season?

I just want to come back and put a fair bit of weight on and keep building my frame and just gain extra fitness and aim to play every game again next year.

How did you view your game in the Grand Final?

I think it was one of the better games I’ve played for the club, so I was really happy. I was obviously pretty nervous going into what was the biggest game of my life but I was reasonably happy. All I wanted to do was play my role and I thought I did that, so to come out with the win was awesome.

Where were you when the siren went?

I actually had the last kick of the ball so that’s my claim to fame. Mal’s walking around saying he had the first and last goals of the game, but I touched the ball last!

It was just an unbelievable game and I was so happy to win.

What are your plans for the off-season?

I’m just going to relax for a little bit and head back home and maybe head up the coast or something like that, but I’m just going to keep it pretty relaxed.