In the Art of War by Sun Tzu, he says, “Prohibit the taking of omens, and do away with superstitious doubts. Then, until death itself comes, no calamity need be feared.”

I try my best not to fall for superstitions. I know that it makes no sense to think that stepping on a crack, or where I sit pre-game, or where I’m placed when we run out will determine whether I will have a good game or not.

I know the most important things that determine how I play are my preparation and what I actually do on game day.

But from time to time we footballers can’t help ourselves and before we know it, weird habits creep in and become part of our pre-game routine. For me I have songs on my iPod that I have to listen to pre-game.

I can remember hearing that Rohan Smith from the Bulldogs would eat five red Freddo frogs the night before each game. Five - no more, no less, and they had to be red.

Superstitions aren’t made out of nothing and usually originate from a common sequence of events. They usually involve something new being done before a game, followed by a great win, then a post game self-reflection. Before you know it, you’ve come to the conclusion that what happened pre-game must have been the reason for the great win.

So, after our good start and win on the weekend against Brisbane, I reflected on an event that happened to me before the game.

I had a few cuts and grazes on my knees from playing and training the last few weeks. Just before we ran out I asked one of our trainers for some Vaseline to cover them (somehow thinking that a coat of Vaseline would protect the cuts from reopening in 2 hours of football!).

I’m not sure if it was the instant clearing of my sinuses or the warming feeling on my cuts, but the pungent eucalyptus smell quickly made me realise I was rubbing Vicks VapoRub onto my cuts, and not Vaseline!

As we went on to have a good win, I thought about the Vicks VapoRub, and the part it may/may not have played in my game.

Sun Tzu’s quote doesn’t mention anything about Vicks VapoRub. And, as good as it was to win on the weekend, I’m not tempted to make Vicks VapoRub a new part of my pre game routine.

Ted Richards