Sydney Swans new recruit Tom Derickx wants to be more than just a back-up ruckman in 2014 and is eyeing a big pre-season at his new club.

The 25-year-old former Tiger, who joined the Swans during the trade period as a delisted free agent, has his sights set on playing senior football and plans on improving his tank in the lead up to next season.

“This pre-season, it’s huge,” Derickx told SwansTV

“I’ve got to get really fit and I had a few injuries back at Richmond, so I want to have a full pre-season for the first time and hopefully put my hand up for a few senior games.”

Following the departure of Shane Mumford and Jesse White during the trade period, the Swans shored up their rucks stocks by adding Derickx, draftee Toby Nankervis and international rookie Patrick Mitchell to their list.

Determined to make the most of his second shot in the AFL, Derickx said he looked forward to working closely with Swans big man Mike Pyke, who over the last two seasons has proven himself as a top-class ruckman.

“I’m going to put my hand up for the position and I’m going to learn a lot off Pykey as well,” he said.

“With a mature body and a couple of pre-seasons behind me, I think I’m ready for the step up (to senior football).

“I think I just need to compete hard with Pykey.

“I’m not here to be the second man, I’m here to compete with Pykey and be the best I can be.”

Since arriving at the club last Friday, Derickx has worked alongside the club’s other young talls including Mitchell, Nankervis, Aliir Aliir as well as his new house mate, Sam Naismith.

Derickx said he felt he was fitting in well at the club and was enjoying the challenge of competing with the club’s emerging ruck stocks.

“I’m loving it,” he said.

“It’s going well. Training has been pretty solid and I’m fitting in nicely, I think.

“I’ve done a lot of running with the big boys, including my housemate Sammy Naismith, who told me to pump him up a bit, but he’s a good runner.

“The American fella Patty Mitchell has got a massive leap and Aliir Aliir of course, he could jump over a house so he’s an impressive young man.”

The Western Australian, who is a keen surfer, said he was also enjoying his move to Sydney off the field.

“I’m still waiting to get my board but I’ve been down to Bondi and checked that out and been along the coast and there are some good waves,” he said.

“It reminds me of Perth, which is home.”