Sam Reid
Sam is recovering well from the stress related pain in his foot. He is expected to start running next week.
Corey Warner
Corey’s ankle sprain is healing well but is still likely to miss two weeks of football.
Tom McCartin
Tom failed an HIA during the match against Greater Western Sydney. As a result, he will not play this weekend in line with the AFL’s protocols.
Callum Mills
Callum’s recovery from the low-grade calf strain is progressing as expected. He has started gym work and some cardio work.
Harry Arnold
Harry is building his running speed and still expected to return in the second half of the season.
Angus Sheldrick
Angus failed an HIA after experiencing delayed symptoms on Monday. He will not play this weekend in line with the AFL’s protocols.
This Injury Update presented to you by DURO-TUSS.