Sydney Swans Limited
ABN 48 063 349 708
2017 Member Election Notice
Notice is given that:
1. There will be a vacancy in one of the two Elected Director positions on the Board of the Sydney Swans due to the retirement of Mr Robert Pascoe at the 2017 Annual General Meeting. Mr Pascoe will automatically retire as he will have held office for three years or more at the time of the meeting.
2. Therefore, nominations of candidates to fill the vacant position are called for from members. As a retiring elected Director, Mr Pascoe is eligible for re-election if he is nominated in accordance with the process below. Mr Pascoe has indicated to the Board that he will be seeking re-election.
Who can nominate a candidate?
Only Ordinary Members and Life Members who have paid their 2016 membership and have also paid up their 2017 membership before January 1, 2017, or committed to do so under an instalment plan, can nominate a candidate. Players and Sydney Swans employees who are Members can also nominate a candidate.
Who can stand for election?
Only Ordinary Members and Life Members who have paid their 2016 membership and have also paid up their 2017 membership before January 1, 2017, or committed to do so under an instalment plan, can stand for election. Players and Sydney Swans employees cannot stand for election.
In considering whether to nominate, members should be aware that within seven days of appointment, Directors of the Sydney Swans must be registered by the AFL, which includes agreeing to be bound by and comply with the Rules of the AFL. For registration to be approved, a person must be of good reputation and character and a fit and proper person to perform their duties.
How is a candidate nominated?
Candidates must:
• be nominated by two eligible members; and
• accept their nomination.
How do I nominate a candidate?
Eligible members can nominate an eligible candidate by entering the candidate’s name in the ‘Election Book’ before December 15, 2016. An Election Book will be located at the Club’s Sydney and Melbourne premises from mid-November at:
Sydney Swans Limited
SCG Light Tower #4
Driver Ave
Moore Park NSW
Sydney Swans Limited
Level 3, 1 Aughtie Drive
Albert Park VIC
When do nominations close?
Nominations close at 5pm (Sydney time) on December 15, 2016. Nominations must have been made and accepted before the closing time.
How does the candidate accept nomination?
An eligible candidate accepts nomination by entering, and signing, their nomination acceptance in the Election Book before December 15, 2016. The Election Book will be located at the Club’s premises at the above addresses.
How are candidates chosen?
If there is only one candidate who is properly nominated, that candidate will automatically be elected. If there is more than one candidate properly nominated, a member election will be held. The election will be held by ballot. The result of the election will be announced at the 2017 Annual General Meeting. It is expected the Annual General Meeting will be held late February 2017. This date is subject to change.
Who can vote?
Ordinary Members and Life Members who have paid their 2016 membership and have also paid up their 2017 membership before January 1, 2017, or committed to do so under an instalment plan, can vote. Players and Sydney Swans employees who are members can vote.
Who will conduct the ballot?
If an election is needed, eligible members will be sent ballot papers. The Returning Officer will be determined by the Board. It is expected that the ballot papers will be mailed in early January 2017 and the ballot held between mid-January and mid-February 2017. These dates are subject to change. The result of the ballot will be announced at the 2017 Annual General Meeting. It is expected the Annual General Meeting will be held late February 2017. This date is subject to change.
If you have any questions, please contact Tim Laing on (02) 9339 9123.
Tim Laing
Secretary, Sydney Swans