ADAM Goodes says he's thrilled Lance Franklin has signed with the Sydney Swans because it increases his own chances of winning another premiership before he retires.

Goodes has already won two premierships with the Swans but is hoping Franklin's arrival will lead to at least one more medal.

"Purely from a selfish point of view it just keeps that window of a premiership still wide open," said the Swans champion who is in Dublin where he's been helping the Indigenous All-Stars prepare for the second International Rules Test.

"I haven't been shy in saying that (flags) is why I play football."

Franklin played in the first International Rules Test against Ireland which Australia lost before he flew home to attend a Brent Guerra's wedding.

Goodes, 33, says now that he's in "the last couple of years" of his career he wants to win premierships but also help develop Sydney's next leaders.

"Hopefully Buddy can be one of those," he said on Thursday.

"(But) he's got to earn the respect of the players.

"He'll do that on day one when he rocks up at pre-season letting the boys know how fit he is and how much he wants to be part of the club."

Goodes said he was excited about the first forwards meeting given the Swans now had so much talent in front of goal.

"It's just so exciting. We're going to have to nut it out in the pre-season how it's going to look and work and how we're going to mix it up."

Goodes missed the second half of the 2013 season with a knee injury but is expected to be right for the opening round next year even though he won't run before Christmas.

"It's a long way away," he said.

"(But) I'll have the same build up to pre-season as I did last year when I had a bung knee from the Grand Final.

"At least this year I've had a lot more rest before going back to pre-season."