Byron Sumner talks to about his move to Sydney, meeting his nephew for the first time, and Kieren Jack...

How do you sum up your year?
It wasn’t too bad, I went alright. I had a bit of a slow start, struggling with the transition of moving interstate but once I got settled I started playing some good footy.

What was the highlight of the year for you?
For me my highlight was learning about myself more. Just learning I could get through hard times, that is the personal one. And the other highlight is finding out about my nephew, Lewis Jetta!

Which of your team-mates most impressed you?
Kieren Jack. I had never heard of him (till I got to Sydney) but his height, he is only a small player, but seeing what he can do, at his size, was very impressive.

Was he an inspiration for you?
It was really good. What stood out the most is knowing how tall he is and then seeing him tagging other team’s best midfielders, and getting the job done. That was really good to see.

What are the good things about being a Sydney Swan, and part of the club and culture?
Just having fun with your mates, I’m enjoying it here.

Where do you personally want to improve and what are your goals for 2011?
I want to go home to Adelaide and keep training and spend time with my family. And then come back and have a good pre-season and go from there. I want to come back in good nick and give myself the best chance to play senior footy next year.