Name: Callum Sinclair
Nickname: Sincas
What was your best break in life: Getting drafted
Best piece of advice your mother gave you: Don’t be so serious
If you weren’t a footballer, what would you like to be: Host on Getaway
Do you have a saying or motto that you live your life by: ‘The more you put in, the more you get out.’
If you could ask someone to be your mentor, who would it be: Ted Richards
Morning or evening person: Evening
Favourite timeslot to play in: Early as possible
Favourite footy journalist: Callum Twomey
Favourite TV caller/commentator: Dennis Cometti
Worst injury: Broken foot
How many text messages do you send a day: Don’t know
Three phone apps you can’t live without: Facebook, Menulog, Spotify
Favourite Twitter account you follow: No way
Most embarrassing song in your iTunes: All of them
Best concert you’ve been to: Robbie Williams
Where did you holiday after last season: Vietnam
Favourite sport other than football: Surfing or golf
What sport would you like to compete in at the 2016 Olympics: Trampoline
Can you change a spare tyre: Yes
Do you iron your own shirts: Yes
Favourite restaurant: Pinnochio's, Randwick
Do you believe in UFOs: Yes
What three items would you take to a desert island: Water, food, plane
Three famous people you would like to meet: Leo DiCaprio, Roger Federer, Kevin Spacey
What do you have that is of great value to you, but no one else: Family