The Club is mourning the loss of Graeme Pash one of its most popular and loved members in our 135 year history. 
Graeme passed away on Monday morning after battling a long and debilitating illness.
Our sympathies go to Julie, David and Justine (and their children Jack, Ella. William and Louis) and Alison, Michael and Anthony.
Tributes to Graeme have poured into the Club including those from Ron Barassi, Bob Skilton. David Williamson and former Deputy Prime Minister, Tim Fischer. Alan Jones, Rebecca Wilson and Tony Squires have also today paid on air a tribute to Graeme. Mal and Louise Binnie have also paid their respects.
Graeme was a director of the Swans from 1987–1992 and from 1995–2002. For most of this second stint he was Deputy Chairman.
Graeme, who was born in Perth, played for the East Perth Football Club in their premiership year of 1956 while still studying Engineering at the University of Western Australia. By a quirk of coincidence the Captain/Coach of East Perth – the legendary Jack Sheedy – played 6 games for the Swans in 1944, whilst stationed with the Navy in Melbourne. 
In 1957 Graeme was appointed Captain/Coach of the University of Western Australia team which he led to a premiership. He also led the Club in the intervarsity competition which was held in Sydney that year - giving him his first taste of the city that he would call home for nearly 50 years.
Having graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering degree he moved to Sydney in 1960 and started his own business which in 1965 became – construction company VSL Prestressing. In 1962 Graeme married the love of his life, Julie.
Graeme had a strong interest in racing. He was a Director and then Chairman of the Sydney Turf Club and a Director of Racing NSW. He was also a very successful owner (and occasional punter!) and was a member of the NSW Racehorse Owners Association. 
In 1987 he became a shareholder in the Group led by Mike Willesee, John Gerahty, Basil Sellers, Peter Weinert and Craig Kimberley that acquired the licence to operate the Sydney Swans. He was very active in all facets of the Club where he could help and make a difference. Peter Weinert said he had very firm views on many issues especially when it came to players. I valued him and his opinions immensely.
In 1995 he rejoined the Board of the Club now being run on a membership owned model and was shortly thereafter appointed Deputy Chairman – a position he held until his retirement in 2002. He was made a Life Member of the Club in 2002.
As with his previous term as a Director, he was a passionate advocate of player rights and felt strongly that no matter what financial problems the Club incurred it would never go back to cutting player payments as a means of balancing its books. With Graeme Cocks and Rob Kerr, Graeme formed a player welfare committee that was focussed on finding jobs and accommodation for players but also providing advice and counsel on an array of issues. This group was a precursor to the role that Phil Mullen has played for over a decade.
In 1992 with the Club on its knees, in an attempt to boost morale, Graeme and Julie organised a pre-Christmas function at their home in Beauty Point. This grew into a major event in which new players and their parents had their first introduction into the Club and where many people who worked behind the scenes were recognised for their contribution to the Club. 
This event symbolised Graeme’s approach to life. He was a truly egalitarian person having the ability to rub shoulders with the leaders of the nation on one hand and anonymous battlers on the other.
Club Chairman, Richard Colless said Graeme’s contribution to our club has been profound on so many fronts. 
His demeanour was always one of warmth and he exuded great generosity of spirit. As a Club we have tried to mirror many of his qualities.
One of the abiding memories we will have of Graeme is on the MCG shortly after our Premiership win in 2005 with a grin from ear to ear shaking hands with anyone who was in his immediate vicinity
Paul Roos said Graeme will be missed by all at the Swans - he was an unforgettable man.  From the first meeting, his warm smile and enthusiastic handshake had you hooked, he accepted you immediately and you felt you had gained a true friend for life.  Each and every time you saw Graeme you were energised by his presence and his positive outlook on life.  Pashy’s Christmas party was the highlight of the year to which everyone looked forward to celebrating with Julie and Graeme - this event has lasting memories for all of us.  My 14 year old son Dylan probably summed up Graeme best when I discussed his passing with Tami the other night.  “Dad isn’t that the man that had those Christmas parties”. “Yes son it is”.  “That’s sad he was a really nice man”.  Dylan, never a truer word spoken.
Co-captain Craig Bolton said Pashy had an amazing ability to interact and connect with everyone at the footy club – whether it be a first year player, someone from administration, or a board member.  I’ve no doubt he was a guy who his old team-mates would have loved playing with, he was such a team-player.
Swans CEO, Myles Baron-Hay said Pashy was one of life’s very special people. An extremely generous man, charming and sincere, a great bloke who was admired by everyone he touched – Swans directors, staff, players, supporters and his countless friends. Much loved by all at the Club – our memories of the great times we shared together will endure.
As a mark of respect and love that the Club had for Graeme we did something that was unprecedented by dedicating the Sydney Swans v Richmond game at the SCG on 1 June to him. The players ran through a banner that day that simply said Graeme Pash, Love ya mate, This one's for you.
In April of this year the Coaches Box was named after Graeme and John Gerahty given that both had served on the Boards of the SCG Trust and the Sydney Swans.
In his own way Graeme is as much a legend of the Club as some of our greatest players. The place will not be the same without him.
Vale Pashy
Graeme’s funeral will be held at 10.00am at St Mary’s Church, 264 Miller Street, North Sydney on Tuesday 28th October 2008