As Sydney Swans members start to receive their 2009 Membership Guide in the post, Swans Chief Executive Myles Baron-Hay takes Sydney members through some of the changes for the season ahead…

First thing members will notice is that the Guide is more comprehensive than in previous years.  This is quite deliberate.  We aim to provide members with more information and a better understanding of the Club, its partners and its range of activities.  We think it is important that members appreciate that they belong to something more than just a Football Club.  When you become a Swans member you become part of the Red & White family. 

We need to significantly grow our Membership

Given the AFL’s plan for a second Sydney team, we need to significantly grow our membership in order to secure our longer term future.  We’re targeting a 50 percent increase over the next three years – from just over 20,000 in Sydney to over 30,000.  (Keeping in mind we have almost 10,000 members in Melbourne). 

An ambitious target requires a well considered plan.

Our plan is based on both retaining the support of current members plus converting many of the supporters of the game and the Swans into new members.  In addition to the 20,000 odd members we have in Sydney, research will confirm that there are approximately another half a million Swans supporters out there who have a genuine interest in the team.  Our challenge is to land them!

Now more than ever we need your support and would ask that you encourage your friends and relatives to consider becoming a Swans member.

Extensive research – you spoke, we listened

In developing the new membership offer for 2009 we have surveyed members and supporters (non-members).  We appreciate that the survey itself seemed a bit awkward but be assured the feedback was valuable and we thank those who took part.

It might be of interest to note that the research company we used has completed similar surveys for over half the AFL clubs. 

In addition, we conducted a number of focus groups to gain feedback on a range of planned initiatives.  Bottom line is, “you spoke, we listened” and we have taken stock of the feedback and captured it in the new packages as best we can.

New products and initiatives

In 2009 we are offering members more choice and greater flexibility.  Some of the initiatives that we are particularly excited about include:

•  The grading of reserved seating areas to Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze (formerly known as stand or concourse).  See below for more detail.
•  The renamed Red Zone for our unreserved members.  Previously members had the option to buy an unreserved seat located in the “SCG Members’ Reserve” i.e. an unreserved seat in the members’ reserve.  A bit confusing we think and hence the change of name.
•  By popular demand, we have created the new “SCG Lakeside” membership which allows entry to all Sydney Swans games played at the SCG.  So members who wish to attend just the SCG games (for whatever reason) can do so now without necessarily committing to pay up front for ANZ Stadium games.
•  For choice and flexibility our “Red Zone - Flexi” membership allows you the preference of attending any 16 home games over a two year period – at either the SCG or ANZ Stadium.  We understand and respect that not everyone can get to every game, particularly in a city like Sydney where there are so many competing interests and so many choices, and that some flexibility is valued.
•  Introducing “Time Out”. A great option to put your reserved seat or Red Zone access on hold for one year and keep many of your membership benefits.  So for members who relocate overseas for work on a temporary basis or who are active with a young family for example have the option to reserve their seat for one year by paying 50 percent of the membership price.

Grading of seats – Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze

Grading of seats is nothing new – it is commonplace in other industries such as airlines (first, business and economy class), entertainment and sport.  In the past as you know Swans membership has been categorised as either stand or concourse.  In other words, members have traditionally paid the same price to sit in the stand irrespective of where in the stand they sat.

We think there is a fairer and more equitable pricing policy. 

And that is to respect that some seats are better than others and to price them accordingly.  In transitioning from the old to the new graded seats, prices will change and some people will be asked to pay more for their reserved seat and other will be asked to pay less.

At the end of the day, members will have the opportunity to choose the seat they want and are happy to pay for.  Members can choose to stay where they are or move to another location depending on their own personal choice.

With the new Victor Trumper Stand now complete we have the flexibility to move individuals and groups of people to accommodate their request.  We undertake to do our absolute best to accommodate such requests. 

We are very mindful of the need to manage the transition as smoothly as possible and to that end have tried to simplify the process.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Membership Team who are happy to help.

Why grade seats in 2009?  Well the timing has been driven by the view that the “grading of seats” is fundamentally the right thing to do – it is fairer and more equitable.  Up until now it has not been possible because of the redevelopment of the SCG.  With the new stand complete we now have the spare capacity to provide members with the choice and flexibility to move if necessary.

Price changes – some will pay more, some less

In setting the prices for 2009 we are very conscious of the current market conditions and the pressure household incomes are under.  We have attempted to minimise price increases whilst still providing good value.

Once again, in setting the prices we have researched the market looking at the other football codes in Sydney and other AFL clubs.  Membership of the Swans still offers great value. 

For example, an adult Platinum membership at $460 for 11 games (i.e. $41 per game) represents a discount relative to the equivalent casual ticket purchase of 40 percent or $310.  Expressed another way, Platinum membership costs 60 percent of the equivalent ticket purchase (11 games @ $70 = $770).

Our research suggests a 40 percent discount is the largest across all codes / clubs surveyed!

I trust and hope that the above information provides you with a better understanding as to the thinking behind the 2009 membership offer.  In summary,

•  to secure our future, we need to significantly grow our Sydney membership.
•  our plan is based on retaining current members plus converting supporters to members.
•  based on feedback, we are introducing some new products and initiatives aimed at providing more choice and greater flexibility.
•  grading of seats is the right thing to do – it is fairer and more equitable.
•  members will choose what is right for them.
•  we have greater flexibility given the SCG Stand is complete.
•  now more than ever, we need your support, every member counts.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Membership Team on (02) 9339 9130.

Best regards
Myles Baron-Hay
Sydney Swans Chief Executive