It’s Shane Mumford and Jarred Moore here, we’re just going to have a quick chat because we know you want to hear all the inside goss and how Jarred has been travelling in pre-season, so here goes…

Shane Mumford: How was your pre-season Jarred?

Jarred Moore: It’s been pretty good. I haven’t missed a session really. So I got through that and have played every practice match so far, and we had a practice match on the weekend in the Gold Coast, which was a pretty scrappy game. It was wet conditions, and that’s how I like it…

SM: Perfect for someone your size, not so much for someone like me.

JM: Yeah. How did you get through your first game, Shane?

SM: It was good to finally get back out there with the boys even though the conditions out there weren’t great. I got some miles in the legs and ticked that box, so I’ll just start playing some more game-time each week and build up for round 1.

JM: Looks like you’re on track then.

SM: Yeah, going along really well.

JM: So have you got any goss on any of the young boys at the moment?

SM: Where do we start? I’ve just moved in with Josh Kennedy. A few of the other boys have been moving around. Lewy Johnston I believe has moved in with his girlfriend.

JM: Yes the young fella, he’s only 19 but has moved in with his young girlfriend. And here I am stuck with Nathan Gordon and Luke Parker.

SM: Then again, you’ve got them pretty well trained now don’t you? They pitch in their fair effort, not like the blokes that I was living with last year.

JM: They’re not trained enough. I need Nipper (Nathan Gordon) to cook more.

SM: Parkes is alright?

JM: Yeah, Parkes is alright, he gets into cleaning moods.

SM: You’d have to have some info on him though wouldn’t you? He does rate himself as one of the sexiest rigs at the club.

JM: Let’s just say that we don’t get a lot of the mirror time.

SM: Going out would be a problem. He’d be one of the last ones to leave the bathroom wouldn’t he?

JM: He’s a good kid though, Parkes. He’s progressing well in his footy and played in the third practice match - his second of the year - and he did quite well in half a game.

SM: He’s a pretty strong body for his age.

JM: Absolutely. Who’s impressed you the most this year?

SM: Well, we’ll start with the young blokes. I think Tommy Mitchell when he was up here training with us, his work ethic is absolutely unbelievable for a bloke his age. Because he was sort of injured a little bit, he was training with me down in the dungeon and he really pushes himself down there, so from what I’ve seen of him out on the track he is going to be an absolutely amazing little footballer.

JM: That’s good, but let’s try with someone on the list now.

SM: Luke Parker - your housemate - is one who seems to push himself pretty hard. Jed Lamb is another one who is going to be pretty exciting. He seems to work hard out on the track and in games.

JM: He’s very enthusiastic, is Jed. What about Gary Rohan, how do you reckon he’s going?

SM: He’s going to have a super year this year. He seems a lot fitter than he was last year, he’s put on a bit more size, and he’s really looking the goods.

JM: He certainly hasn’t lost any pace.

SM: Nah, he’s probably put on a few km’s actually.

JM: Who does he chase down at training?

SM: Chase down, or run away from? He does love a run down the wing. He does run a bit too fast sometimes though.

JM: Yeah, sometimes he looks like he’s going to run a bit too far. How about that tackle on the Fasolo kid from Collingwood?

SM: Yeah that was amazing that rundown tackle. He does it with a lot of ferocity too - and he’s got red hair. Well who’s impressed you then this year?

JM: I suppose Goodesy on the weekend - well the whole pre-season really. He’s shown that he’s not getting old.

SM: The old Benjamin Button.

JM: He’s still old, but he’s able to carry his body through. He’s playing pretty well and looks like he’s set for a good year. A few of the young kids will come through again. Dan Hannebery looks like he played pretty well, Craig Bird is another one who was injured most of last year and he looks like he’s going to have a fairly decent season, and he looks like he’s got the best step in the game.

SM: Yeah he seems to step around people without too much trouble.