From 12:30pm yesterday afternoon until 9am this morning, fans had the opportunity to post a question for Swans forward Ben McGlynn via

Ben answers a selection of your questions in the above video. Thanks everyone for getting your questions in.

You can see what the fans asked Ben below:

Sharon Pritchard on 12:40 AM Tuesday, 3 May 2011 said:

Ben, congratulations on your achievements at the Swans thus far. What most influenced your decision to leave the Hawks for the Swans? And who is your best mate at the Swans?

Matt Corby on 7:04 PM Monday, 2 May 2011 said:

Hey Ben, your kicking from set shots is just one amazing aspect of your game. How have you developed your kicking, and also do you have a special routine or technique that you train with in reference to your kicking?

Colesy on 5:42 PM Monday, 2 May 2011 said:

Hey Ben, just wondering what you do to unwind outside of footy?
Also, you've been in great touch since you came to the Swans. What do you find different about the set ups at the Swans that's helped you out?

Laura on 4:32 PM Monday, 2 May 2011 said:

Hi Ben, I hear you are from Dareton. What was it like growing up in such a remote area and is everyone back there as short as you? Have you enjoyed the move to Sydney and living in the biggest city in Australia (compared to Dareton)?

Megan B on 2:17 PM Monday, 2 May 2011 said:

Hi Ben, great game Friday. I also spotted you warming up early and noticed you had some headphones in. What do you listen to pre-game and how integral do you feel it is to your game-day preparation? I know myself if I don't get my routine right I don't feel as good pre-hockey, is certain music part of a larger pre-game routine? Any suspicions?
Good luck for the rest of 2011!

Jake on 1:03 PM Monday, 2 May 2011 said:

Hey Ben great game from yourself on the weekend, Just wondering what the team does during the week to try and make sure you play 4 quarters of the footy you played in the first half?