IT was such a good feeling to win by 10 goals last weekend. It felt comfortable, and we were happy that our fans didn’t have to get too worried again!

It was an unusual feeling too, as we have had so many games where we just win by a few points.

What went right was that everyone worked together, we did everything for each other that night against Brisbane.

You could see it if you watched what happened with Birdy (Craig Bird), who had a big job trying to stop Brisbane midfielder Daniel Rich.

It was Birdy’s tag, but so many other players helped him out - he didn’t have to do it all by himself.

If Rich got on the outside of the contest, then Hannas or Shawy or one of the other mids would go to Rich until Birdy could get there.

Last week we were told to bring our A game to the Gabba, and we did that.

Footy can be weird. You’re always trying to bring your best game, but sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn’t, but when you work together it makes a big difference.

Another good example was Ryan O’Keefe, who kept dropping back to help the defenders. Reg and Teddy have been under a lot of heat lately so to have a few other players helping them out is really important.

That meant they had a much better chance of doing well on Jonathan Brown.

And then there was LRT playing as another tall target in the forward line. I didn’t know he had it in him to kick three goals! It was fantastic and it made it easier for Reidy and Goodesy.

I felt like I had my best game for the season but I know I’ve still got things to work on and lot of improvement to come.

After the game, Jude put on Everyday I’m Shuffling (aka Party Rock Anthem) so it was a good feeling all round.