SYDNEY Swans newly drafted rookie Taylor Gilchrist has made an impression since arriving at the club this month, and not just for his work on the training track.

Swans assistant coach John Blakey says Gilchrist, a former Sandringham Dragons and Caulfield Grammar player, has demonstrated promising all-round skills as well as a hunger to learn about the game he loves.

"He's looking really sharp out on the track. He's got good pace and kicks the ball well and with good ball use too," Blakey said on Wednesday.

"Taylor's really keen to learn, like all the other young boys, and he is eager."

It is this attitude that has seen Gilchrist,18, quick to jump in to ask advice from heroes such as co-captain Brett Kirk.

"I'd heard he was a great bloke and he is," Gilchrist said of Kirk.

"I feel he's the best role model for me at the club. I'm not that much like him as a player but I'm striving to be more like him. His work-rate is exceptional. He's in and under with so much courage."

Gilchrist said that while being the new boy had been intimidating – especially around genuine star players such as Kirk, Barry Hall and Adam Goodes – the Swans' family culture made it much easier to integrate into the group.

He even made the offer to shout Kirk a meal in exchange for some advice from the All-Australian centre-man.

A key part of the Swans pre-season training has focused on building and executing skills, as well as decision making. Gilchrist says these are all areas he needs to concentrate on in regard to his own game.

"When the skills are executed at that high intensity for that long – they hit targets for 80-90 minutes while I've only had to do it for little bursts.

"That's the hardest thing: to train well but at such a high intensity for long periods."

Hard-ball gets, fitness and leadership are other areas Gilchrist wants to work on in Sydney. And of course, like most rookies, bulking up is a priority for the lightly built, 189cm teenager.

"Whenever I've made a mistake, I've always been hard on myself. I've known what I needed to do … I’m aware of what I need to improve on”.

Gilchrist, picked up with the number 28 selection in the 2008 rookie draft, was tracked by player acquisition manager Kinnear Beatson following his performances for Vic Metro in the under-18s national championships.

There were whispers linking Gilchrist with Freo and Collingwood, but the Swans swooped on the promising midfielder who they hope will develop in the ACT competition with the Swans reserves team.

"Obviously like all other clubs, we're trying to fast-track the younger guys' development but it's more than likely he'll spend a year in the reserves," said Blakey.

 "If he shows the ability to play senior footy, he'll be looked at."