Sydney Swans recruit Alex Starling will spend the remainder of this year watching tape, hitting the books, and even YouTube-ing, in an attempt to get a better grasp on his adopted sport before making the move to Australia for next season.

In a feature article on leading US college website, the talented basketballer said he is already coming to terms with the basics of Australian Rules just weeks after signing with the Swans under the International Scholarship Scheme.

“I’m getting it,” Starling said. “When I went over there, it took me only about two or three days to get the grasp of it. (The time before moving to Australia) will give me a year basically to learn the game a lot better.”

Starling’s basketball coach at Bethune-Cookman University, Cliff Reed, said the 22-year old displayed plenty of ability on the court, but also the heart and desire needed to be a leader of the team.

“He was such a great athlete, he’d get knocked down under the basket on one end, and on the other end, when the ball is shot, he’d dunk it in,” said Reed. “He just hustled and worked hard.”

“He was the toughest guy out there (and) he’s going to be successful in whatever he decides to do.”

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Alex Starling playing for BC-U (left) and training with the Swans.