The Sydney Swans have teamed up with the Aboriginal Sporting Chance Academy (NASCA) to provide sporting apparel for locals in the remote community of Ikuntji (Haasts Bluff).
Situated 227 km west of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory, Ikuntji is a culturally strong community that has just over 150 residents and is home to the local football team, the Ikuntji Swans.
The community also has a thriving art scene and is located next to Papunya, which is known internationally as the ‘birthplace’ of the dot painting movement.
Through the close partnership between the two organisations, NASCA has been able to engage with the community on a regular basis and on their most recent visit they were able to help facilitate an art project with Ikuntji Artists with a red and white twist.
Decked out in their newest and brightest Swans caps, students painted flower beds outside the art centre including one with the Swans logo.
NASCA will continue its work in Ikuntji and five other Central Australian communities on three more week-long trips this year.