After an injury-interrupted 2011 season, Swans midfield Kieren Jack bounced back to his best form in 2012 to produce an impressive and consistent season.

Jack played every game this year including all three finals, and was a pivotal link in the Swans midfield throughout.

In addition to his midfield role, Jack also made an impact up forward, kicking 27 goals for the season and finishing the year leading the competition in goal assists.

Jack spoke to about the importance of consistency in football which landed he and his Sydney Swans team mates the 2012 premiership.

How did you sum up your season in 2012?

Team wise, it was an unbelievable experience and to win the flag was amazing. Personally I was pleased to get back into some form after last year where it was publicised that I had an ankle injury and I sort of struggled with fitness, so to get back in and to do a full pre-season has been great. It set me up for this year and my body is feeling in as good nick as it has been.

I was really pleased with this year and I’m just hoping it will continue on next year.

How does it feel to have played a consistent season this year?

I’ve been around the club for a number of years now so I sort of know what is expected from me and I am really familiar and comfortable with my role in the side and what I need to bring on game day.

It is just a matter of being consistent and really driving that through the younger boys. We’ve got some older players who have been doing it week-in, week-out, and now we’ve got to get some younger boys in. I do think that was one of the reasons we were successful this year because our younger players and less-experienced players stepped up and showed some tremendous depth for us.

Which young players have impressed you this season?

I think Dan Hannebery has had a fantastic year and Lewis Jetta, who has gone to another level this year, and also blokes in the backline like Alex Johnson. There’s a real core group there that I think have put us in good stead for a number of years.

You worked closely with Lewis Jetta in pre-season; does it feel good to see that work has paid off?

All credit to Lewis. He was the one who did the work and he put his head down and really wanted to do it. He quite easily could have taken a few steps back and rested on his laurels a little bit, but he really wanted to improve and made something of it this year.

There is no secret, it came down to hard work and I think he now fully knows that and hopefully we’ll see him running around again this pre-season.

What were the highlights of this year?

It’s hard to think back and reflect upon it, but probably the final in Adelaide was really special. I think the finals series in general was really special. We knocked off Collingwood for the first time, which is something I’ve never done, and to get 58,000 people to ANZ Stadium was an unreal experience. Then of course the Grand Final is something I’m sure none of the boys will ever forget.

You kicked one of the pivotal goals in this year’s Grand Final, what do you recall about that goal?

I was just having a spell off the ground and then I came on and I was pretty fresh, and the ball got kicked forward and I just took a bit of a punt and sprinted forward and thankfully Mitch, who I could see was in a two-on-one happening in the forward line, I knew he’d be under the pump a little bit so I got up there to help him out and put a toe poke on.

I was pretty lucky because I think Clinton Young feel over his own feet and I was pretty lucky to get the goal, and I was pretty happy with it.

What are some of your other memorable moments from the game?

Probably the first bounce, reflecting back. You always hear about the roar of the first bounce, but to be in the middle and to be in the centre bounce and to be there when the ball was there, I couldn’t believe how loud it was.  It was deafening, and was something I’ll never forget.

What are your plans for the off-season?

I’m going to go overseas with Dan Hannebery and Josh Kennedy and we will probably meet up with Teddy Richards and a couple of his Essendon mates that he goes on a yearly trip with. I’m looking forward to just getting away and having a good time and just reflecting on what’s been an awesome year.