From 2pm yesterday until 9am this morning, fans had the opportunity to post a question for Swans defender Nick Malceski via

Nick will answer a selection of your questions later in the week, with the answers to be posted in a separate article. Thanks everyone for getting your questions in.

You can see what the fans asked Mal below:

Loz on 8:42 AM Tuesday, June 07, 2011 said:

Hey Nick, Favourite band/singer and favourite cd? Good luck on the weekend ... i'll see you there. Loz

Allan on 8:36 AM Tuesday, June 07, 2011 said:

Hello Nick, Is there any significance in wearing number 9

Anne Brito on 8:06 AM Tuesday, June 07, 2011 said:

Hi Nick, just moved to Australia and I'm loving cheering on the Swans! I hear there's an AFL theatre production touring Australia. Is theatre something you like to attend? If not, what's your favorite past time outside of footy?

Sarah Greeshaw on 12:41 AM Tuesday, June 07, 2011 said:

Hey Nick. We have seen how well your knee has faired on the field but how well do you think you would go on "dancing with the stars?"

Bryan on 11:19 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

Gday Nick, You are probably the most reliable kick at the club, especially when under pressure. Were there any special drills that helped you when you were younger, and how much time do you spend on kicking at training each week?

Jarrod on 10:32 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

hey mal you're my favorite player. is running off the back flank your most preferred position? Would you have a stint in the midfield?

Murray on 9:12 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

Hi Nick, I was just wondering where you got your haircut done? What's the upkeep like on it? What products do you use? On a side note well done with the knee, say hello to LARS for me

Jenny Scoles on 8:42 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

I was at the swans hall of fame dinner what an inspirational night that was. What do you bring away from a night like that? You are a wonderful player good luck for the rest of the year.

Steve on 8:39 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

Nick you definitely have a strong resolve in recovering from serious injury plus shifting from another state and making a new home away from your native vic. What do you see as some of the keys in achieving these milestones in your career.

Jason Sapsed on 8:16 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

Hi nick, your my favourite player and have been since 2006, was just wondering what the tattoo is on your back and if it has any meaning. Keep up your awesome disposals, cheers Jase

Nick on 7:17 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

What's your favourite spot to relax in around Sydney when you're not busy with footy?

Essie Mansett on 6:53 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

Alexander the Great was an all conquering Macedonian Hero. As the Swans own Macedonian Marvel what do the Swans need to do to smite its enemies and conquer the AFL world and the premiership race in 2011?PS. I love the hair. It looks really HOT!

chloe stephens on 6:34 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

whats up nick, who do you think is the funniest guy to train with and have around the club? and who is your best mate in the team?

David on 5:05 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

Nick, i am wondering if your last haircut was a lost bet or something??? and also who is the brightest and least bright at the club.

Jacob Maciejowski on 4:48 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

Hey Nick, If you could choose to play in a different position other than your normal role in the back field what would it be? I think you'd be a great on baller in the mid-field along side Bolton and Jack, your speed could result in a faster mid field attack. Any thoughts? thanks nick, GO SWANS!!

Sharron on 4:19 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

Hi Nick, have you had to alter your training/recovery sessions to protect your knee? and fantastic to see our hand/foot skills and goal accuracy drastically improved Saturday night. A true Bloods effort well done guys.

bazza on 4:17 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

Hey Nick, i also had a knee reconstruction and i was just wondering what your favourite exercise was to do to rebuild your leg strength?

Morgan on 4:09 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

Hi Nick, it's great to see you back in the team. But with LRT playing a cameo in the forward line last week, do you ever feel like starting forward and kicking a bag?Cheers, Morgan

lui the lip from toonie on 3:49 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

Hey Nick, I've really enjoyed watching you play since you returned from your knee re-string. You've certainly added something to the team. Which team in the top 4 has impressed you the most in season 2011?

Mitch on 3:26 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

Very exciting seeing you play again, are there any game strategies you have had to change to help reduce impact on your knee? for example playing more outside football and letting josh and jude get it and give it to you?

Matt on 2:50 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

Hey Mal.You had the most outstanding haircut at the swans. I noticed it was gone on the weekend. Was there any reasoning behind that or just time for a change? Congratulations on a successful return.

Von on 2:45 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

Hey Nick, Congrats on a great victory on Saturday night. The Swans are unbeaten on the road this year, are there any particular reasons for your good form away?P.S. if you could win some at the SCG that would be nice too!

Eugene on 2:43 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

Hi Nick, Every time I watch you play, you seem to be very vocal on the field, giving instructions or encouragement to your teammates. Do you think you would like to be the captain or co-captain of the club one day?

Chris on 2:31 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

Hey Nick, Congratulations on a successful recovery, I would just like to know how is Jed "Chops" Lamb going and when are we likely to see him debut?

Gemma on 2:22 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

Great win on the weekend Mal! my question is how is your knee holding up?

dwain wilson on 2:19 PM Monday, June 06, 2011 said:

hi nick. whats your favourite weights exercise to do in the gym? love the way you play. dwain.