It has come to my attention that someone questioned my husband’s 2010 season yesterday. The loyal me - which is every part of me - would normally jump to defend Brett’s honour (not that he needs me to).

However I’m thinking at this moment in time I can’t spare any energy getting caught up or using this invaluable red and white website space to play an outdated game of ‘egos’… That’s so last century!

So I shall remain a peaceful warrior and stick to shoelaces. Please explain?

There is a serious training regime taking place at the Kirk home. Indhi is learning to tie his own shoelaces! While the transition from Velcro to laces is a momentous occasion in anyone’s growth, it can also be a frustrating one.

Indhi’s class is having a competition at the end of the term to find the KS Champion ‘Shoelace-Tie-Upperer’… Indhi is desperate for the title. His eagerness for any type or chance at competition is endless.

We have a list of PB (personal best) times on a number of different vocations, which include, but are not limited to:

• How long it takes him to get dressed for school,
• Hallway racing against his sisters,
• Packing his toys away,
• Footy marks on the trampoline etc etc etc.

The list goes on. Poor thing, he didn’t have much hope of avoiding the ‘competitive gene’ with Brett and myself as parents - we Jenkins to see who turns the light off!

Yesterday morning at breakfast Brett was showing him a trick to the start of tying, so the laces don’t loosen and move while you’re completing the loop stage.

I was interested as to why Brett was teaching him to do it like that, and found out it was the way Brett was taught by his Dad.

It has been written many times that Brett’s Dad, Noel, has no left hand but he is so able you wouldn’t even notice (when we first started dating Brett had to tell me, because I didn’t!). Tying laces with one hand…. Try it some time.

And while the art of perfecting shoelace tying continues for us I will leave you with some new words to ponder…

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” - Henry Ford

I think we can beat Hawthorn… therefore I am right!

BUY TICKETS to see the Sydney Swans take on Hawthorn at the SCG on Saturday afternoon.

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