The Sydney Swans would like to take the opportunity to acknowledge the traditional custodians of our land this week and say thank you for everything they contribute to our game and our nation.

July 2-9 marks 2023 NAIDOC Week, a week to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life.

This year’s theme “For our Elders” celebrates the important role and prominent place that Elders have held, and continue to hold, in communities and families across Australia. It reminds us of the profound respect and gratitude we owe to Elders both past and present who have paved the way and preserved their cultural heritage for future generations – to the benefit of all Australians.

Sydney Swans Bloods Champion and GO Foundation co-founder and Director, Michael O'Loughlin said the week was important to acknowledge Elders that had played a significant role in people's lives.

"NAIDOC Week means a lot of things to me. The first one that comes to mind is celebrating our culture, history and more importantly being able to share that with the rest of the communities around the country, meeting different people, different communities and talking about our culture, journey and how strong and deadly we are," O'Loughlin said.

"The theme for NAIDOC Week is 'For our Elders' and our Elders play a significant role in our lives.

"We walk on the shoulders of our old people and it's really important to celebrate them, acknowledge and respect. My job as a father and an uncle, is to ensure I am teaching my kids and other people's kids, the importance of having our Elders as a significant part of our lives, as they always will be."


GO Foundation CEO Charlene Davison said the week was important not only for her, but her family and entire community.

"I love NAIDOC Week and it's such an important week to me, my family and my community," Davison said.

"NAIDOC Week is really a celebration of us, our mob right across Australia, who we are, what we have achieved, our culture, our history and that is something for all of us to be proud of and to be engaging and participating with during NAIDOC Week."

"Elders provide such important advice, knowledge and guidance around culture and they give us the strength that we need and remind us about resilience. Our Elders are often those people who have paved the way for us to be here and to do what we do today," Davison added.

The Sydney Swans vision is to be a leader in promoting equality and justice for the First Australians.

To find out more about 2023 NAIDOC Week and get involved click here.