Brett Meredith tells about his tough start to the year, confidence and his 3km time trial goal...

Tell us a little about your challenging year Brett?
I had a tough start to the year with injury and wasn’t back playing reserves until round six or seven.  It took a little while to get back into the senior team as I wanted to get a few games in the reserves. Once I got back I started to play some good footy at senior level and played six games, but I was in and out of the team a couple of times.

Have you improved with more senior games under your belt?
Definitely. I felt I got better and better with each game I played and importantly got some confidence in myself, and confidence that my body could hold up to the pressure of senior footy. 

What areas do you need to improve for 2011?
I definitely want to come back in much better shape than last season. I want to come back fit and get my three-kilometre time trial time down so I can push into the midfield next year.

What are some of the lessons you learned from your player mentor Brett Kirk?
He has been really helpful all season, but at the start of the year when I was injured, Brett’s advice was really valuable and helped me with my confidence.

Who are some of the team-mates who have impressed you this year?
We had a lot of new blokes at the club who were all really impressive. Benny McGlynn and Josh Kennedy both had great seasons, so did Jets and I thought Gary Rohan was good when he played a few games.

What do you have planned for your break?
I’ll head back home to Melbourne for a while and then I might have a holiday in Cairns with my girlfriend.

Brett Meredith in action during season 2010: