Mr Gay and Mr Jack said they were delighted to release the short film ahead of this year’s finals campaign.
“We need to see a generation change in thinking, to make touching your phone while driving just as anti-social a behaviour as drink driving,” Mr Gay said.
“Last year the NSW Government launched the ‘Get Your Hand Off It’ campaign which has been hugely successful on social media featuring the misadventures of Derek.
“Now the Sydney Swans have thrown their weight behind the cause, promoting it in various ways including this video we’ve released today as part of a new partnership between the Club and the NSW Government.
“Several studies have shown that tasks where the driver has to look away from the road to physically interact with the phone increases the crash risk.
“It can slow your reaction times and reduce your ability to recognise road hazards.
“I’m looking forward to seeing the public response to these new videos as the Swans hit their strides during the finals season,” Mr Gay said.
“It goes without saying that taking a mark or kicking a goal while on the phone is crazy, but we all see those people who take the risk and use their phone while behind the wheel,” Mr Jack said.
“It only takes a split second for something to go wrong, and taking your eyes off the road to look at your phone – whether you’re texting, tweeting or checking your email – is really dangerous.
“These videos are a light-hearted take on a serious, important message for the entire community and the Swans are proud to be associated with the ‘Get Your Hand Off It’ campaign,” said Mr Jack.
To view the Swans’ first ‘Get Your Hand Off It’ video, press play on the video player above

Minister for Roads and Freight Duncan Gay and Sydney Swans co-captain Kieren Jack at Tuesday's launch