The Sydney Swans welcome today’s result in the Australian Marriage Law Survey, with 61.6 per cent of Australians saying yes to marriage equality.
More than 12 million people had their say in the voluntary poll, which is almost 80 per cent of eligible Australian voters.
Statistician David Kalisch announced the result of the poll at the Australian Bureau of Statistics in Canberra this morning, to the sound of cheers and applause from those who had gathered at ‘Yes’ rallies around the country.
The Sydney Swans have long been community leaders in celebrating diversity and creating a supportive environment in which people feel connected.
We believe everyone has the right to feel like they belong – and part of that is having legal and social recognition of their love and commitment to another person, regardless of gender.
While today’s announcement is just a first step, we would like to acknowledge our LGBTIQ supporter base, especially our Rainbow Swans, as they celebrate a significant day for equality in our nation.