Ever wondered what an AFL footballer does to fuel their body for the intensity of a two and a half hour gruelling finals encounter? Well, the truth is, it can vary widely according to size, age, gut tolerance and position.  For this reason, tailored nutrition plans are a critical part of game preparation. However, for the sake of this article, let’s take a look at what the “average” AFL athlete might be consuming twenty-four hours out from a game.

24 hours to game time – Afternoon Snack
Large bran based fruit muffin, a piece of fresh fruit, a tub of yoghurt & wash this down with a Milo made with skim milk.

21 hours – Dinner
Large portion lasagne (or pasta Bolognese) which would feed about two regular humans with a side of mashed sweet potato and steamed broccoli, cauliflower & carrots. This might be followed up by a wholegrain wrap with chicken, guacamole and salad and/or some dessert such as a piece of fruit crumble with low fat vanilla custard. Dinner may be accompanied with juice, water or Gatorade.

18 hours – Evening Snack
Some may graze over dinner (as above) and others may eat a little less at dinner but slip in a bit of fruit salad and yoghurt or low fat ice-cream before bed.

8 hours – Breakfast
Six Weet-Bix with banana, light milk and honey, followed by 2-3 slices wholemeal toast with avocado, jam or honey. Breakfast is usually accompanied by a bottle or two of water and glass of fruit juice.

6 hours – Lunch
Poached chicken & salad sandwich or wrap, fruit, more water and/or sports drink.

4 hours – Pre-Game Meal
This one varies widely, some will go for jam/honey sandwiches on white bread. Others prefer a big bowl of pasta with tomato based sauce or risotto. Muffins are usually a crowd favourite as this time also – they will be large, low fat, white flour and fruit based.  Again, accompanied by more water or sports drink. 

2 hours – Pre-Game Snacks
Usually a banana or two, followed by a cereal bar, washed down with Gatorade and water.

Game Time
Specifically designed energy bars, gels or a banana accompanied by Gatorade, water and other electrolyte drinks. 

Elise Cameron is the Sydney Swans Dietitian working with the players on their daily dietary needs.