After three seasons away from the club, 2005 premiership player Amon Buchanan is back in red and white - this time as a QBE Sydney Swans Academy coach.

Following seven seasons and a premiership win with the Swans between 2002 and 2009, Buchanan returned from the Brisbane Lions to Sydney this year to take on a new challenge as Head Coach of the Under-14 South Academy Squad.

The talented small forward, who was hampered by injury late in his career, said coaching was something that had appealed to him towards the end of his playing years.

“I never thought I would end up coaching but as my career unfolded and especially over the last few years through injury and playing a lot of football in the reserves, I got the opportunity to help out our younger blokes up at the Lions and do a little bit of coaching when I was injured,” Buchanan told SwansTV.

“It is something that I’ve really enjoyed and I’ve always enjoyed being around younger boys so I’ve really enjoyed that and I’m really looking forward to doing it this year with the Academy.”

Buchanan, who began his coaching tenure with the Academy at the beginning of February, said he was already impressed with the young footballing talent on show.

“There definitely is talent there,” he said.

“There were some really good signs early and while I’ve only been out there one week, there were some kids who caught the eye and I’m hoping for some big things from some of the kids.”

Buchanan added that he hoped he would be able to pass on his ten years of AFL knowledge to the Academy athletes, and encourage them to pursue their AFL dreams.

“I’m hopefully able to instil a little bit of experience to these kids about what it really takes to play AFL,” he said.

“I suppose they are at that age when they are kind of figuring out whether they want to play AFL or not and if we can just show them a little bit of what it takes to play AFL then that would be great.”

Despite only being in the coaching game for a limited amount of time, Swans Academy Talent ID & Operations Manager Chris Smith said Buchanan is already having a positive impact on the Academy boys.

Smith said there was no doubt the former Swan would be a valuable inclusion to the program this season.

“He has an extremely positive rapport with the Academy players and provides a wealth of current AFL knowledge not only to the players, but also to the other Academy coaches,” Smith said.

“I’m most impressed with his enthusiasm and his willingness to roll up his sleeve and get involved and he communicates really well with the young players, which is a key.”

Buchanan acknowledged that he was still learning the ropes when it came to coaching, but said he was enjoying the challenge so far.

“I suppose I’m still working it all out, but I’m pretty hands on,” he said.

“I love getting involved and getting all the young boys to do a lot of touch and I’m big on teaching clean hands and those sorts of things.

“I was really lucky to have spent time at this club and I’m lucky to be back here.”

He added that he was impressed to see just how far the Swans Academy has come since he was last in Sydney.

“It’s amazing how far it’s come in the two years and also how far in general football has come in NSW,” he said.

“It’s another important step forward to give kids the opportunity to have the good competition that they need to bridge the gap between playing and potentially getting drafted.

“It’s just another step in the right direction for NSW footy.”