It didn’t take long for Isaac Strachan to be hooked on Australian Rules Football and the Sydney Swans Football Club.

Originally from Newcastle, Isaac Heeney territory, Strachan attended his first game about three seasons ago and immediately fell in love with the sport.

In March earlier this year, that love affair turned into a more serious commitment when the 27-year-old joined forces with a good mate and became a full paid-up member.

Eleven home games later and Strachan has been rewarded with the title of 2016 Rookie of the Year.

“I’m absolutely stoked,” he said. “We loved every minute of the season and this is just icing on the cake.”

As Rookie of the Year, Strachan receives a free Sydney Swans Membership up to the value of $500 for the following season.

He was selected at random from a pool of other first-year members who attended every home game of 2016.

“We went along to the first pre-season game against GWS in Drummoyne. We lost but it was still a cracking game and really set the tone for what the season was going to be like for us as members.

“We had a lot of close games and big wins. To see them win the minor premiership and witness such a strong season was a great thing to be involved in.”

Strachan believed it was only a matter of time before they “bit the bullet” and signed up, ultimately joining the 56,523 members who helped the Sydney Swans reach new ground this season.

He’d always followed the Sydney Swans and played a bit of Australian Rules at school but, like most New South Welshmen, shared his sporting passions with League and Rugby as well.

Experiencing the SCG’s energy for the first time, plus knowing all home games were coming back to the Swans’ spiritual home, meant there was no looking back for Strachan and his passionate posse.

“It was always going to be a natural selection becoming a member,” he said.

“My mate and I just decided if we’re going to get serious then we should really get involved rather than just going to the pub or watching from home.

“It’s not like I needed to fully convert but I’m more invested in it now and watch a lot less other football sports.

“Coming from someone who didn’t really know much about AFL, being able to see the action live and understand the rules more clearly and know the players makes it so much better.”

Looking back on his first season as a Sydney Swans member, Strachan has come to realise and fully appreciate the benefits.

“We explored a few different memberships and tiers, but we thought we’d go the whole hog,” he added.

“It is a big commitment but being a member you get the whole atmosphere. You get your seat, you get to know who sits around you and you build a relationship with them as the season goes on.

“It’s all part of the experience and culture.”