Kieren Jack spoke with about season 2010, playing finals footy and what he can improve on in 2011...

What was the highlight of the season for you?
The highlight of the season was making the finals. Every player wants to play finals footy and we were able to get there this year. We didn’t go too far but we still got there and it gives us a good taste of it, for myself and a lot of the younger boys. Hopefully now we can keep improving and making finals for a few years to come.

You had played finals before (in 2008). How was this time different for you?
I played a couple of years ago and then missed out last year which was really disappointing. So to be able to be back in finals, there was a different feel about it. It is an exciting time to be playing footy.

We went in with so much confidence and so much excitement in the group, it was awesome to be a part of it and it was disappointing to lose by a kick in the end. We were a kick away from being in a prelim final, so that is the downside. That’s the empty feeling we’ve got.

What pleased you about your own game in 2010?
The last month of footy was quite good. Midway through the year I hit a bit of a flat spot and wasn’t real happy with my game at all. I didn’t want to continue on playing like that; I wanted to make a stand and I think we as a group spoke about that. If we continued on the way we were, we wouldn’t make finals and the group banded together and started playing some really good consistent footy.

I’m proud to say I got out of that little form slump and was able to come out of it playing some good footy.

It was a mental thing?
Absolutely. We’d shown in patches previous to that, that we were a good side, but it was always one good quarter, one bad quarter. I think the last six weeks we were starting to put some really good consistent efforts together. It was just that contested footy, the one-on-one battles we were winning, and doing it for each other.

So it re-affirmed everything you know about how to win games?
Yes, and when everyone is doing their bit, and everyone is winning 50-50 balls and you’ve got trust in your team-mates that they are doing that, it makes for a pretty powerful team out on the field.

Who of your team-mates impressed you?
The new players were outstanding. Benny McGlynn early in the season really showed us how important he is to this side. When he was out of the team we missed him immensely.

Shane Mumford was unreal all year. In the middle I worked pretty closely with him as a ruckman. We lost Jolls (Darren Jolly) last year and weren’t really sure what was going to happen and whether Pykey would be number one ruckman. So for Mummy to come in, new to the club, and still perform really well was a standout.

And Joshy Kennedy, his last few weeks were amazing. He stood up in finals footy and he is just a really strong player. He is one of the strongest players I’ve ever seen - and for someone who has never lifted a weight in his life! He’s unbelievable. He’s going to be so important in the midfield moving forward. He’s going to be our number one inside midfielder for a few years to come I reckon.

Where can the team get better next year and beyond?
The experience that blokes like Dan Hannebery, Lewis Jetta, Trent Dennis-Lane have got from playing in finals and realising what sort of levels you need to get to, to be successful, will be enormous for this group.

We’ve got a group now we can work with for a few years, there are a lot in the age group 21 to 24 and if we can really band together and want to create something, we’ve got the group to do it.

Where can you improve personally?
For me it is now about being able to realise I can perform. I showed the last six weeks I can perform at a good standard for AFL footy.  But it is not about doing it for six weeks. It’s about doing it for 22 weeks of the year. So consistency and keeping up my work rate. If I keep working hard and keep getting to as many contests as I can, the rewards will come.

What will you do during the break?
I’m going to go to Fiji for a week with my girlfriend and then spend a bit of time off just chilling out.

Kieren Jack in action during season 2010: