They’re at the ground the night before and they’re the last to leave on game day, but it’s certainly not a chore for the Sydney Swans cheer squad members.
The supporter group, who construct the banner each week and cheer on the team every game, dedicate their time and efforts to creating the best match day experience for the Swans team.
Swans Cheer Squad Banner Co-ordinator Narelle Reichert said the group do it for the love of the club.
“The boys and the game (bring me back) and the dedication is just because you’re a Blood,” she said.
“It’s just like being part of the boys, you’re involved and it’s for the good of the game too.”
As the SwansTV video above shows, it takes the group up to three hours to construct the banner, which must be strong enough to battle wind, rain and difficult conditions on ground.
The banner-making process also requires up to a dozen workers each week, but Reichert said the Cheer Squad is always looking for more support.
“It usually takes between six to 12 people turning up, and the more people that turn up the less time it takes,” she said.
“You can then pair them off and work far faster.
“The more Cheer Squad members we’ve got, the more fun it can be.”
The Swans Cheer Squad always welcomes more volunteers to help out with match day preparations.
Interested supporters should contact Cheer Squad Manager, Cathy Marney on 0405 124 929.