Book in for Boot Camp
The second instalment of the Swans Boot Camp, kicks off next Monday, May 14, book your place today so you don't miss out...
With the cooler winter months just around the corner, what better way to keep warm and your fitness levels up than at the Sydney Swans Boot Camp?
There is less than a week to go until the second instalment of the Swans Boot Camp, with the six-week program kicking off next Monday, May 14.
The Swans Boot Camp will allow you to reap the benefits of training with elite AFL conditioning coaches, in a safe, state-of-the-art environment that is tailored to all levels of fitness.
“My favourite part was meeting other great people and learning how better to improve my own training,” said Michael Belay, an attendee at the first Swans Boot Camp.
“I really do believe that it has enhanced my day-to-day productivity at work and the results are really showing that. My overall energy has motivated my day-to-day career.”
The Camp utilises the Swans’ gym, cardio and rehabilitation equipment, to take you through a broad range of activities including strength training, injury prevention, yoga, cycling, boxing and recovery with your performance tested and assessed by Swans conditioning staff.
The Swans Boot Camp is a fitness and wellbeing program designed to challenge participants in a fun and intimate environment.
Don’t miss your chance to participate in this unique program beginning next week, contact Phoebe on (02) 9339 9120 or to book your place today, or click here for more information.