MARK Seaby chats with about season 2010, his rehab and why he enjoys being a Swan...

How do you sum up your year?
It was a bit unfortunate but it was still very enjoyable. It was probably one of the more enjoyable years I’ve had even though I didn’t play a lot of footy. The move has been really enjoyable and footy was going well at the start of the year. We were winning and looking good.

Unfortunately I broke my ankle. Injuries happen so I just tried to do the best I could and do the rehab and tried to get back.

How much do you take from those five full games you played at the start of the season in the ruck?
I take a lot of confidence. I am confident I can back it up next year and even go on and be better than that. It is something I’m looking forward to over the pre-season, to better myself and set myself up better than last year.

Where is your rehab up to?
During the break it will mostly be rehab for me to make sure I get my body right and get the body right for pre-season. Then in the back end of the break I will probably start doing some fitness work to set myself up for the start of pre-season. I should be looking pretty good to start as soon as we come back in November.

In a team sense, what was the highlight of the year for you?
Probably the finals campaign. I just enjoyed watching the boys have success. We went through that flat spot in the middle of the year, which was hard to watch. But the boys finished off really well in the last two months of football. It was great and I enjoyed watching them and being around them.

What are the things you’ve really enjoyed about being a Sydney Swan?
Just the bond of the team. It is pretty much the football is your family here. I don’t know too many other people in Sydney so all I have is the football family and they have been fantastic to me and I’ve also enjoyed the lower profile that football has in Sydney. That has been nice, for it to be more low key.

Which team-mates most impressed you this year?   
Dan Hannebery and Kieren Jack are the two who really stepped up. McVeigh, Goodes, Jude Bolton, Mattner, Malceski, Tadhg, they all had good years but the young guys impressed me with the way they improved.

Where can you improve next year?
From general skills to my ruck work, and working on being more of a forward. I’d like to add that diversity to my game, to mark and lead and learn the patterns up there. I can improve there and just my general ruck work and follow up. Mumford set a pretty high standard in that area.

It will be interesting next year because Pyke has developed a lot as a ruckman, so that makes three good ruckmen at the club?
It will be, it will be good competition, pre-season will be interesting.

What will you do during the break?
Most of the time we will spend back in Perth, just trying to get right for next year and I feel I can do that best in Perth and have a bit of different scenery and catch up with family and friends. We have a baby due on the 29th of January so towards the end of the pre-season will be a change up to my life but I’m really looking forward to it.