Saturday at the MCG and, courtesy of and the Sydney Swans, Simon Farrow from Glenorchy in Tasmania had a dream come true.

The 35 year-old finally had the chance to see his beloved Sydney Swans in the flesh, and what a day it turned out to be with the red and white storming home to a 16-point victory over the Richmond Tigers.

For many years Simon had dreamed of seeing the Swans and his mother Win had promised that one day she would take him to a game.

Unfortunately for Simon, and Win, when the opportunity looked likely a few years back Win was forced to undergo knee surgery and the trip was put on hold.

Simon, a Swans Tasmanian member, watched the Swans from afar, ever hoping to one day see his heroes.

In the ensuing years Win’s opportunity to travel has now gone and Simon thought his dream would never come true however, thanks to the efforts the Glenorchy locals including Ann Buissink Simon was able to finally see his Swans.

“Simon has had a few problems but we all love him and his mother and we wanted to do something for them,” Ann Buissink said.

After contacting the Swans and, with the assistance of our travel experts at the club was able to get Simon and his uncle to the MCG last Saturday.

“I had a great day, my best ever” Simon, a man of few words said.

Kevin Davidson was more forthcoming though; “Simon doesn’t say much but we had a fantastic day, it was something that meant a great deal to everyone around Simon, those who have been looking after him and Win.

“Thank you to all the people at the Swans and Expedia for making it happen”

Paul Roos was on hand to greet Simon in the changerooms after the game and was delighted to hand over an game ball which he signed.

“To see supporters like Simon really brightens your day, he’s done it pretty tough and to have him there for a win makes the day even better,” Roos said.

The Sydney Swans would like to thank for their support in getting Simon and Kevin to Melbourne last Saturday and also the people of Glenorchy, especially Ann Buissink, for their continued support of Simon and Win.