REVERED Swans forward Barry Hall has many nicknames to reflecthis uncompromising attack on the football.

Labelled Big, Bustling Barry Hall the Swans veteran is regarded as one the most feared opponents in the AFL.

His sheer presence is enough to cause the most courageous ofplayers to shudder at the thought of his 100kg frame bearing down on them.

 “I suppose I’mperceived a little bit different than I actually am, I suppose it’s the whiteline fever thing,” Hall said.

“Off the ground, I’m pretty easy going and pretty casual soperceptions are probably not true.”

Speaking from Coffs Harbour Hospital Children’s Ward lastweek as a part of the Swans community camp, Hall said visiting kids on theirsick bed puts being an AFL footballer into perspective

“From a personal point of view I’m doing something I loveand I’m very fortunate and very lucky,” he explained.

“When you come into hospitals with sick kids, some withbroken bones, some with fatal diseases, you realise how lucky you are. When youwalk into a room and their face lights up, you can’t get much more rewardingthan that.”

As one of the most high profile and recognisable players inthe AFL, Hall said he loved being able to bring a smile to the kids facesduring a tough time in their lives.

He was joined in the children’s ward by teammates JudeBolton and Brett Kirk.

The 224 AFL game veteran admits hospital visits have a justas big an impact on him as the children.

“It’s a down time for them and it would be tough to be inhere (hospital) ….. we’re very lucky to be doing what we’re doing so if I canbring some happiness and help get them up a little bit, I’m happy,” he said.

After recently offering his babysitting services to a clubofficial, you maybe forgiven for thinking Barry Hall is looking to make thetransition from AFL footballer to family man.

But the Swans full-forward said he’s happy to have theoption of handing them back at the end of the day

“I love kids, I’ve loved kids always, I baby-sit the staff’skids and that means I don’t have to have kids myself, I just look after everyoneelse’s,” he chirped.

“I love kids and I’m a big kid myself so I suppose that’swhy.”