BEN McGlynn tells about his first year at the Club, his return from injury and his highlight for season 2010...

You had an amazing first year at the Club - some real highs and terrible lows?
I’ve loved my first year here at the Swans but it has obviously been a bit disappointing that I missed some games throughout the year.

But the games I did play, I was very happy with my performance and what I brought to the group so I really enjoyed what the Club has brought out in me.

I’m a lot more confident now as a footballer and as a person and it’s all due to the Club, the way they’ve treated me and accepted me.

You must look back and think you made a great decision to come to the Swans?
I’m very happy with the decision to come here. Obviously this time last year I didn’t know where I was at in terms of playing footy. But I’m definitely very happy I’ve come to the Swans.

You suffered a fractured cheekbone against Fremantle. How difficult was it to get through that and return to the field for the semi-final against the Bulldogs?
It was disappointing but in this game you are going to cop injuries and some of them are worse than others. To come back and play, I never had any questions in my mind that I would. It was just a matter of when, and how the boys went in the first final.

I’ve had injuries throughout my career and you’ve just got to deal with them. This one was a little bit scary when it happened to my face but a great surgeon fixed it up and it feels good now.

You wore a helmet. Will you change the way you play?
I definitely won’t change the way I play. That is what has got me to where I am. I was very confident wearing the helmet and I wouldn’t have put my hand up if I couldn’t play the way I normally play. Once I got my first bit of contact in the final it was forgotten and I just did what I could to help us win.

As far as the team goes, what was the highlight over the year?
Obviously making finals is a great team effort after a disappointing month mid-year.

It was my first final against the Bulldogs, and Josh Kennedy’s first final series and Shane Mumford’s so we all got to come to a new club and play in our first finals series which was great.

The way the boys have embraced me and the new guys is the best thing to have come out of this year.

Which of your team-mates has stood out for you?
Kieren Jack’s year has been sensational. It got better as it went on and he’s developing as a leader. He is going to be a strong leader over the next few years.

What aspects of your game do you want to improve next year?
Now that I’ve been here for 12 months I want to step up in more of a leadership role. I’m 25 now so I can’t just be sitting in the shadows. I’ve got to try to work with Kieren and Nick Smith and blokes like that to try to drive the next group at this footy club.

What are you going to do in the break?
Go away on holidays, relax, have fun! I’m going to LA and Vegas with a few of the boys and then to Bali with my girlfriend.

Ben McGlynn in action during season 2010: