Lewis in the hot seat
Lewis Johnston answers your questions in this week’s episode of Ask A Swan, hosted by fellow South Australian Ben Haren...
With the Swans travelling to Adelaide this weekend to take on the Crows, we caught up with two of our five resident South Australians for this week’s episode of Ask A Swan.
Rookie Ben Haren stepped-up to the plate to ask recent Swans debutant Lewis Johnston a selection of your questions that were sent in via sydneyswans.com.au earlier this week.
Lewis reveals the influence that Henry Playfair and Daniel Bradshaw have had on his time at the Swans, the thrill of playing against Collingwood (the team he grew up supporting) last weekend, and how he likes to pester Ben and Campbell Heath during his spare time.
Like all good interviewers, Ben even throws in a couple of his own questions. However, never one to be outdone, Lewis turns the tables with one of his own for Ben which had surprisingly been sent in from a ‘fan’ during the week.
Here are just some of the questions from the fans that Lewis answers:
Hey Lewis. Which AFL team did you support when you were younger? Have any friends or family switched to being swans fans as a result of you joining Sydney and who is the most passionate follower?
Phillip Tran
Hi Lewis,
I have seen you play both roles in the forward and defence line. Which is your favourite position to play? You were great in our previous loss to the Pies.
Hey LewJo,
What do you do to relax outside of footy?