The Sydney Swans are encouraging members to help share the Christmas spirit by taking part in the Swans Care membership program.

Swans Care, which has been launched just in time for the holiday season, is the Swans membership donation program, which aims to provide charities and community groups with the Sydney Swans memberships that have been kindly donated by Swans members and supporters.

Swans principal partner QBE has already joined in the Christmas cheer, donating 20 memberships to local charities via Swans Care this holiday season.

Sydney Swans director and proponent of the Swans Care program, Rob Pascoe, said the Swans Care membership program was an opportunity for Swans members to give back to the community, while also supporting the club.

“I think there are a lot of people who would be prepared to buy a membership if they knew it was going to somebody who wanted to go,” Pascoe said.

“It’s a philanthropic concept and it came from a couple of people I had spoken to who had asked if the Swans had any opportunities for a member to buy a pass for someone they don’t know, who couldn’t afford it themselves.

“I thought it would be a good idea if we could have an opportunity whereby people pay an amount of money towards a membership and then we pass those memberships onto groups or charities who have made requests to the club.”

Those who donate to the Swans Care program will not go unnoticed, with those who contribute 10 of more memberships to the program to receive a personal thank you letter from the club, signed by CEO Andrew Ireland and Senior Coach John Longmire.

To find out more about the Swans Care program or to make a donation, click here.