beyondblue Awareness Game
Shout a mate at tomorrow night's match between the Sydney Swans and Hawthorn to assist beyondblue
With three million people in Australia experiencing depression or anxiety at any one time, it could be you, a family member or mate who may need to call the beyondblue Support Service at some stage.
Well, making a donation to beyondblue has become as simple as downloading an app to your phone.
It’s called Shout which is a mobile fundraising app that enables users to donate to charities in a fun, easy to use and socially connected way.
Shout aims to get Australians to think about donating to charity the same way as they think about Shouting their mates a pie, a coffee or a meal for example. Shout uses mobile phone technology to deliver funds to charities like beyondblue.
So for the Sydney Swans v Hawthorn beyondblue Awareness game on Friday, go to the App Store or Google Play, download the Shout App and start Shouting beyondblue … it could be that you or your mates could benefit from your shout one day.