BB: All-time favourite movie?

Adam Goodes: My all-time favourite movie ... I love a lot of movies. A lot of sport movies are pretty good, but I watched a pretty good movie the other day that I liked a lot called Little Miss Sunshine. It's not my all-time favourite but it's in my top-10, which has about 150 movies in it.

Some people say I look like …

Andrew Walker, who played for the Roosters, and who's back now at the Queensland Reds. A few kids came up to me back in my early days up here and asked me if I was Andrew Walker.

My favourite game of VFL/AFL from my childhood was …

I was a bit of a Collingwood fan so the grand final in 1990 was a highlight.

What are you listening to at the moment?

I've got Ministry of Sound - Volume 7 which is pretty good but also I've just got Akon's new album which is pretty cool as well.

I know Roosy isn’t happy when …

I know Roosy isn't happy when we don't play the way we're supposed to be playing.

Are there any physical characteristics that are giveaways as to the coach's mood?

Not really. He's pretty cool, calm and collected. You sort of know he's not happy when he tells you. He's very honest in that respect.

On my days off, I enjoy nothing better than …

Going to the beach and watching DVDs.

When I retire, I hope to …

Probably look after my family and have a family and hopefully do some community work.

Do you think you'll still be in Sydney or maybe back in Victoria?

I'd love to be up here and hopefully opportunities will allow me to stay up here in Sydney, yeah.

What are your thoughts on State of Origin football?

I've never been able to play in it, so I'm not able to say I loved it or didn't love it. I'd put my hand up to play but just the timing of it needs to be right I suppose, whether you're playing it in the middle of the year or if you played it at the end of the year and that sort of thing.

The person most responsible for helping me reach where I am today is …

It's definitely my coaches. Every one of them that helped me along the way. I've been a bit of a blank canvas. When I started off playing AFL football a lot of coaches put a lot of time and effort into me and I think that's helped me get to where I am as a footballer, and I think my mum and my family and my friends have helped me in the off-field part in maintaining my morals and helping me be the person I am on the outside.

If I could be anything in the world, I’d be a …

I'd like to be a professional soccer player over in Europe. That'd be pretty nice.