IN the words of famous Italian classical singer Andrea Bocelli, ‘It’s time to say goodbye.’
Being a bit of a television and movie buff there have been some memorable goodbyes in the world of film and make-believe.
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn saw a heart-wrenching goodbye between Captain Kirk and Spock and you didn’t have to be a ‘Trek-Head’ to appreciate it.
Rick and Ilsa in Casablanca saying their fond and emotional farewell at the airport…Damn that World War! Then how about that scene in Castaway between Tom Hanks and his faithful companion Wilson the volleyball as it bibs and bobs its way to the horizon on the rolling sea.
Or Patrick Swayze in Ghost engulfed in a swirling aura of fuzz and colour saying a love-filled farewell to Demi Moore before he crossed over. One word… Tearjerker!
And while we are on tears what about that time when Leonardo was freezing his heebie-jeebies off, clinging hopelessly to Kate Winslet and that clothes trunk while the Titanic sunk into the icy abyss.
The realisation that the sadness of a goodbye is all but a certainty can make for some difficult moments. However resistance is futile. So as we are divided by destiny, I must write my final words for The Other Half. I take great pride in having the opportunity to create ‘The Other Half’ for the past twelve months. From the bottom of my heart and soul thank you so much for reading my blogs and sharing snippets of my life and thoughts through the 2010 season.
Football for Brett has never been solely physical. He has a deep emotional investment in the Sydney Swans and that will continue even though he will no longer be wearing the red and the white.
The world is round and the place, which may seem like the end, may also be the beginning. We are extremely fortunate to be travelling to far off places with Brett’s new role, announced last week, as AFL International Ambassador. We hope you can join us on our adventures abroad through the AFL website, which will publish our written and video blogs.
At the Swans Club Champion dinner tomorrow night I hope to catch up with some of the fabulous supporters I have met through this season because of my blogs. But for now, in the spirit of The Kirk’s next adventure… … …
Ciao, Aroha nui, Uf widerluge, Sayonara, Vinaka, Kwa heeri, Au revoir, Bonne journe’e, Vaarwel, Bidai, Tot straks, Khush & Aloha Kakau!
“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” - Dr Seuss. Oh what a clever man!